“All are lunatics, but he who can analyse his delusions is called a philosopher.” Ambrose Bierce, author

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Well, I have completed posting my entire first novel, "Christmas Angels", to www.wattpad.com.  Enter my name, Richard De Wolfe to search the site for the story.  It has been a success for me all the way.  I have had comments on wattpad, itself, and on my page on facebook, where I was promoting it as I went.  All the comments were positive, and that is encouraging.  If you are interested in joining the party, visit me at http//www.wattpad.com, or my page on facebook.  If you read it and you find it worthwhile, give me a "like" and leave me a comment.  The next novel will also be posted soon.  It is called "Road Trip".  Watch for it, its coming soon.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Up And Running

I am currently in the middle of publishing my first novel, "Christmas Angels", on wattpad.com.  I am expecting to post two chapters at a time, three days each week until complete.  If all goes as planned, this will occur on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Right now, I am on chapter 26 and 27, a little over half of the way through the story.  I seem to be slowly attracting readers to the book, and this is encouraging.

This is a new endeavour for me, and a very big step.  It is not easy, putting your own thoughts on paper and then publishing them for all to see.  I think of this as a necessary step to get my work noticed by readers and possibly potential book publishers.  Please go to my page on facebook or directly to www.wattpad.com and read the full story in either place.  Please let me know if you like what you read, and feel free to leave constructive critiques, especially on Wattpad.

I get a lot of help and support from my Grandson, Joshua.  He often asks me for crackers to make his job a little easier and worth pursuing!  Write on!

Grampa and assistant

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Beat Goes On

I am continuing to post my novel, "Christmas Angels" on wattpad.com.  I hope that you are visiting me there and reading it as I put it on the web site.  I plan to post one chapter at a time as the days go by.  This should happen three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and again on Friday.  I hope, but I can't promise.  Life has a way of interfering with the best laid plans, at times.  That shall be my goal, and I hope you will read it there, vote for it, and feel free to make comments, in structure, spelling and any critiques that you may have.

In just a few more days we will start driving to Florida to escape the long, cold days of winter.  We will make a stop for about one week on the way, to visit our daughter and her family.  After that, it is over the border and always south. I will miss my extended family while we are away, but just until mid-April when we shall return.  Hopefully, the weather will be much warmer here by then.

I shall write another entry on Wednesday, when I publish chapter Five of "Christmas Angels" on wattpad.com.  I hope that you like it!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Into The Great Unknown

Well, its up now.  Chapter 3 of "Christmas Angels".  It is on wattpad.com, under my name, Richard De Wolfe.  Give it a read and tell me what you think.  This is a new venture for me and I am hopeful.

It is very scary to put words on paper, but that pales compared to actually putting something out there for all the world to see.  Fear of failure keeps us from doing so much in life.  From an early age, we are often told by others that we are not good enough, bound to fail, foolish to try, and so many other negative things about ourselves.  It is not necessarily the case that others around us actually  want us to desist in what we are trying to do, but they are only reflecting their own self doubts when they inadvertently do this sort of thing.

Be brave, take your best shot, it is the only way to discover who you really are.  Sure, you will fall short at times, but the road to success is paved with failure.  If you never try something new, you are never likely to accomplish much.  If you fall, get back up, brush yourself off and try again.  Maybe in a new way, but try.  Life is not a dress rehearsal and you will never know what you might accomplish unless you try.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Onward And Upward (I Hope)

Today I will be posting chapter two of "Christmas Angels", my first novel.  It is the story of a woman who was born with a very bad heart.  In adulthood, she has an unexpected child of her own.  But can she survive to raise the child?  Chapter one seems to have had a good reception, thus far, and I am very pleased by this.  I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to read it and also to express your own opinion and to suggest improvements where needed.  I will be relying on you to help me out like this, all along the way.

If you haven't yet seen it, you can access chapter one, and now chapter two, by visiting me at www.wattpad.com.  You will find them both there for you to read.  In the days ahead, I will add one chapter at a time until the entire book is there.  It is free, so check it out.  I hope you will join me and enjoy "Christmas Angels".  If you like it, please vote for it and ask your friends to take a look and to vote for it, too.  Cheers and happy reading!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Best Foot Forward

Ok.  This is it.  My first novel is done and I want to publish it.  I have decided to put it on Wattpad.com to start with.  If people read it and like it, I will go further with this one.  Don't be shy, I'm hoping to get comments on this, both good and bad.  Just keep them constructive, so that I can learn from them.  If you find errors or omissions of any kind, please let me know.  I will use these comments to make corrections as necessary.  Please don't hesitate to correct my grammar or spelling, too. 

What do you think of my cover?  This is a cement figurine that I photographed just for this purpose.  I thought that it was quite appropriate, since the story is about several women, who love Christmas, and their angelic characteristics.  If you like this first attempt, I have another book in the offing.  This one may be the beginning of a series of novels.  More about that one, later.  For now, check out "Christmas Angels" by Richard De Wolfe, at www.wattpad.com.  I'll be glad that you did.   ;)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Life Happens

Well, much time has passed, years in fact, and I have suffered a debilitating medical condition.  This event has been so severe, that the possibility of continuing as an artist and painter have become very remote.  Well, life goes on, and I shall begin devoting much more time to my writing, at this point.  Of course, I really don't know where this might lead, nor do I really know what it is that I am trying to accomplish, but I will press on, never the less.
I think that here I will discuss my writing, my process, and maybe even some excerpts from my written work, from time to time.  I hope that you, my readers, will give me your feedback to help me grow as time goes by.  If you have a direction that you would like me to take, please let me know by making comments here.

I have always wished to do some writing, but my artistic endeavors have always taken most of my time.  So much for that excuse, it doesn't really fly anymore, so now I smust take the next step, so here goes!  Sink or swim.